Secure Your Brand With Comprehensive Trademark Searches

Packages starting from as low as $149

98% of customers recommend Trademark services

How it Works?

Comprehensive Search in Simple Steps

Trademark registration can be quite complicated without the help of experts. Conducting a comprehensive search is a significant part of the process that you must look out for for a smooth process.

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    Form-Filling and Submission

    To start the process, you must fill out a simple online questionnaire regarding your business. All the information we receive from you will be kept strictly confidential.

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    Once we have your information, our experts will conduct the search and prepare a detailed search report to assess the likelihood of registration success.

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    The final step includes our team emailing you a comprehensive report and legal analysis based on the detailed search.

Why You Need a Comprehensive Search

It goes beyond basic research. It delves deeper for additional results. Comprehensive Search looks for variations in spellings, intentional misspellings, typos, and more using sophisticated Artificial Intelligence-driven tools. Our comprehensive search service guarantees all relevant information is obtained and analyzed.

  • Advanced AI & Manual Search Expertise
  • Domestic and International Search
  • Comprehensive Trademark Search Report

Why a Search for Similar Marks is Important

Before wasting your time, money, and other resources on filling out an application, it’s crucial to conduct a search to find out if your mark is already in use or registered by another entity. A quick search can help avoid duplications and infringement and can reduce the chances of rejection, in which case, the fee is non-refundable. If you’re in the process of launching your company, it’s better to make name changes in the beginning rather than investing in building a brand only to learn that the name is unavailable.

Our packages include a free, federal direct-hit search in addition to more comprehensive searches that cover federal, state, common law, and global levels.

  • Nike
  • McDonalds
  • Exxon
  • Coca-Cola
  • Apple
  • Google

Presenting You the Best Packages

Budget-friendly Packages for Business of all Sizes

Federal &
State Search

Key Features

  • Federal trademark search to find similar names, logos, or slogans
  • State search, similar to trademark search, but for all 50 states
  • Detailed online report sent to you via email
Federal, State &
Common Law

Includes all the features of Federal & State Search package PLUS:

  • Corporate name search in all 50 states
  • Corporate directories search to find similar names
  • Common law trademark search
  • Domain name search to see if anyone’s using your name online
Global U.S. &
International Search

Includes all the features of Federal & State Search package PLUS:

  • Global trademark search in multi-national jurisdictions including:
  • The European Community
  • World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO)

Federal Trademark Registration FAQs

  • What exactly is a comprehensive trademark search?

    Free trademark searches are basic searches that can help you find out if the brand name you want to use has been taken or not. A comprehensive trademark search helps conduct a detailed search by surfing through private and public databases for company names, domain names, state trademarks, etc. This search can help a business get an idea of whether their trademark registration will be successful or not.

  • What exactly is an invalidation process?

    A trademark can be removed from the register in three situations: if it does not meet the legal requirements for granting, if it is in conflict with an earlier trademark, and if it has not been used after the grace period.

  • What if someone else has a similar mark?

    If your search reveals that the mark you want to use is already in use or is substantially similar to one already in use, you may need to consider another. It's difficult to deal with this, but it's critical that you select another mark in this case.

  • What exactly is a common law trademark?

    A “common law trademark” is generally established in the United States when someone uses a company name, logo, or slogan although it isn’t registered. You have to formally register a trademark with the USPTO because common law rights are limited to the geographic area where the mark is used.

  • How does a trademark search work?

    If you’re looking to conduct a trademark search, simply fill out your information, opt for one of our packages, and leave the rest up to us.

Client Testimonials

Glimpses of What Our Clients Say

  • I had a great experience with Trademark Professionals USA! They were fast, helpful and detailed in their response to my copyright registration inquiries. I found everyone to be exceedingly knowledgeable, friendly and upfront. They've definitely saved my time and effort. Highly Recommended!

    Frank Richard CEO
  • We were so pleased to discover Trademark Professionals USA. From registering our trademark to the cost-efficient monitoring service, we have had nothing but positive experiences. The process was easy and the results have been beyond what we could have hoped for! Thanks to them, our brand is officially protected!

    Derek Green Manager
  • I'm so grateful to Trademark Professionals USA for my trademark search report! They provided comprehensive reports and made sure everything was well-laid-out. Their team was efficient and offered me excellent guidance throughout the process. Highly Recommended!

    George Barber Finance Executive

Get Registered Today!

Secure Your Brand’s Future

Start your Trademark Registration Now

Providing you the perfect solution for your business needs.

starting at $49 only

Register your trademark and save yourself from the risk of losing thousands of dollars in lawsuits and rebranding efforts.