Frequently Asked Questions

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Trademark Registration

  • What does trademark protection cover?

    Trademark registration protects one of the company’s most important assets - its image - by protecting its logos, names, images, symbols, and sounds from being used by other businesses and causing reputation damage.

  • Can a logo or Trademark Exlusive Be a Trademark?

    Yes, a logo or company name and any other intangible asset associated with a company’s brand, including images, symbols, and sounds, can be trademarked.

  • What is the significance of trademark registration?

    Trademarking helps protect a brand’s identity and keeps competitors from impersonating or infringing a brand to steal customers. By doing so, it safeguards a company’s reputation.

  • Who is eligible to apply for a trademark?

    Any individual or legal entity can apply for a trademark. In certain countries, non-resident entities are required to appoint a local attorney for trademarking.

  • What options do i Have if my trademark is already in use?

    If your trademark is in use, you will have to prove that you were the first to use it. If someone uses your trademark without permission, you can file a civil suit.

  • Are you a law firm?

    No, we are not a law firm and we do not provide any legal advice. However, we do have expert trademark attorneys on board that can help you with your trademarking process.

  • Should i use the abbreviation ™ or ®?

    The "TM" (trademark) symbol alerts the public to your common law rights. It is used regardless of whether you have filed an application with the USPTO. However, once you file your federal application, we recommend that you use the "TM" symbol. On the other hand, you can use the "®" symbol once your trademark has been registered. If you don't, an infringer who has no actual knowledge of the registration cannot be held liable for infringement.

Copyright Registration

  • What exactly is copyright?

    Copyright is a type of legal protection based on the United States Constitution for original works of authorship fixed in a tangible medium of expression. Both published and unpublished works are protected by copyright.

  • Does copyright cover names and titles?

    In most cases, names, titles, slogans, and short phrases are not protected by copyright. You should research trademarking. Text, artwork, photographs, sound recordings, screenplays, music, lyrics, and other works of original authorship are all protected by copyright.

  • Can I add to/update my registration after i've already registered?

    The primary goal of registration is to determine when your original work was completed. Once a work has been registered, the registration file cannot be changed in any way.

  • Why should you submit a copyright certification request?

    Although registration is not required, registering a copyright can provide significant benefits, including the ability to sue others for copyright infringement.

  • Why should i choose your firm over a law firm or an attorney?

    Our copyright registration team has over ten years of experience filing copyright for clients from various industries. While a lawyer may charge you a hefty fee based on the number of hours they worked on your case, we do not charge by the hour.

  • What does copyright safeguard?

    Copyright, a type of intellectual property law, protects original works of authorship such as poetry, novels, movies, songs, computer software, and architecture. Although copyright may protect the manner in which these things are expressed, it does not protect facts, ideas, systems, or methods of operation.

Trademark Search

  • What exactly is a trademark search report?

    A Trademark Search Report is a detailed report that contains the results of a trademark search. It can be helpful for people or businesses that want to register a trademark but need to know everything about availability, similar marks, and other details before submitting an application.

  • What if Someone else has a similar mark?

    If your search reveals that the mark you want to use is already in use or is substantially similar to one that is, you may need to consider another. It's difficult to deal with this, but it's critical that you select another mark in this case.

  • How long does it take?

    Our turnaround time ranges from 2 to 5 business days, with most searches taking 3 to 4 days. Our turnaround time is determined by the size of our backlog.

  • What is the distinction between a copyright, patent, and trademark?

    In general, a trademark protects a word, phrase, symbol, or design that distinguishes the source of the goods. A patent typically grants the owner the exclusive right to manufacture products or use processes covered by the patent for a period of 20 years from the date of priority. Meanwhile, copyright protects your overall brand from infringement.

  • What is the definition of a preliminary trademark search?

    A preliminary trademark search, referred to as a "knockout" or "exact match," is a type of search that finds names that are identical and names that differ by one or more letters from your desired trademark name.

  • What exactly is a comprehensive trademark search?

    Free trademark searches are basic searches that can help you find out if the brand name you want to use has been taken or not. A comprehensive trademark search helps conduct a detailed search by surfing through private and public databases for company names, domain names, state trademarks, etc. This search can help a business get an idea of whether their trademark registration will be successful or not.

Trademark Office Action

  • What precisely is a trademark office action?

    An Office Action explains why the USPTO has decided to refuse trademark registration. However, trademark applicants have the right to respond and contest the refusal.

  • When is the USPTO going to Issue trademark office actions?

    The USPTO examiner searches for flaws in a trademark application during the examination phase of the trademark registration process. If the examiner discovers any irregularities, he/she will issue an Office Action outlining the flaws.

  • How many different kinds of trademark office actions exist?

    Trademark Office actions are classified into two types: Non-final Office Action:
    The US Trademark Office will issue a non-final Office action if an issue is raised for the first time. Final Office Action:
    If the applicant fails to resolve the issues raised in a previous Office Action, the USPTO will issue a final Office Action. You have fewer options for responding to final Office action.

  • What are the causes of a trademark office action?

    The USPTO issues an Office Action when a trademark application does not comply with the law.

  • What if i fail to respond to an office action?

    Your trademark application will be automatically abandoned if you do not respond to the Office Action within 6 months.

  • Do you respond to all types of trademark office actions?

    No, because we are not a law firm, we will first evaluate your case and advise you on the next steps. We will assess the eligibility of your Trademark Office Action and determine whether we can collaborate or if you need an attorney.

Trademark Monitoring

  • What exactly is trademark monitoring?

    Trademark monitoring is the process of looking for unauthorized sellers who are using your existing trademarks, such as logos, phrases, packaging, and more, on websites, social media, and online marketplaces. Brands must monitor for trademark infringements to be addressed as soon as they are discovered.

  • Why should i keep track of my trademark?

    Trademark monitoring is a proactive measure that can not only protect your brand's image but also save your company hundreds of thousands of dollars in a trademark infringement lawsuit.

  • How can i stop someone from using my trademark or from trying to register one that is similar to it?

    If our monitoring service alerts you to filing a potentially infringing application, you have several options for contesting the registration of that mark. Because each case is different, you should consult with an attorney, preferably one who specializes in trademark law.

  • What are the benefits of trademark monitoring?

    Trademark monitoring is essential because it protects against increased globalization. Because the economy is becoming more global, the possibility of infringement is also increasing.
    You must monitor your trademark in order to sustain and protect its rights. This ensures that you will be notified if a similar or identical trademark is applied for or accepted for publication.

  • What does your trademark monitoring service include?

    We use advanced trademark monitoring software that can constantly track various sites all over the world, which is more effective and efficient in scanning for these infringements.

  • What should i do if i discover a trademark that is similar to mine?

    Depending on the circumstances, options range from a simple cease and desist letter to filing an opposition to registration to filing a lawsuit in federal court. Consult an attorney if you believe someone is infringing on your trademark rights!

Get Registered Today!

Secure Your Brand’s Future

Start your Trademark Registration Now

Providing you the perfect solution for your business needs.

starting at $49 only

Register your trademark and save yourself from the risk of losing thousands of dollars in lawsuits and rebranding efforts.