Protect Your Business with Trademark Registration

Packages starting from $99

98% of customers recommend Trademark services

How it Works

Trademark Registration in 3 Simple Steps

We have simplified the trademark registration process for you. Get your trademark registered in just 3 steps.

  • 01

    Fill Out a Brief Form

    Fill out a simple form with your brand information to get your trademark registration process started.

  • 02

    Search for a Trademark

    It is critical to avoid infringing on any existing trademarks when starting a new business. As part of this process, a thorough search is conducted to determine whether a similar mark is already in use.

  • 03

    Submit Your Application to the USPTO

    Lastly, we prepare and submit your application to the USPTO for review. The typical duration for application processing is about three months.

Why You Need a Trademark

Most brands, logos, and slogans you know and love are registered. A registered market gives you a presumption of ownership and the right to use the brand across the world, providing more legal protection. Trademark registration isn’t just for big brands; it is equally crucial for small businesses looking to safeguard their brand identity. Some other benefits of trademarking include:

  • Copyright Ownership
  • Easier Business Expansion
  • Establishment and Protection of a Unique Brand Identity

Why Search for Trademarks

When it comes to trademark registration, doing your homework ahead of time is quite crucial to avoid possible application rejection and other long-term issues. Register your trademark with us today to avail these benefits:

  • Save Time

    Preparing a trademark application can take days. A trademark search can help you save much of your precious time.

  • Save Money

    A simple trademark search can help prevent you from violating existing trademarks, saving you from possible redesigns, which can cost quite a bit of money.

  • Avoid Rejection

    The USPTO examiner may reject your mark if it bears any type of resemblance to an existing one, delaying the commencement of your operations.

  • Nike
  • McDonalds
  • Exxon
  • Coca-Cola
  • Apple
  • Google

We Have the Best Packages for You

Trademark your brand with the best services at affordable prices

Basic $49 + USPTO filing fees

Key Features

  • Direct-hit Search for exact matches
  • Professional Application Preparation
  • Federal E-Filing with USPTO
  • Electronic Delivery
  • Free Trademark Monitoring (1 Month)
Standard $149 + USPTO filing fees

Register your trademark in just 5 minutes.

  • Cease and Desist Letter
  • Transfer and Assignment Letter
  • Free Trademark Monitoring (6 Months)
  • Federal E-Filing with USPTO
  • Electronic Delivery

Trademark Registration FAQs

  • What does trademark protection cover?

    Trademark registration protects one of the company’s most important assets - its image - by protecting its logos, names, images, symbols, and sounds from being used by other businesses and causing reputation damage.

  • Can a logo or company name be a trademark?

    Yes, a logo or company name and any other intangible asset associated with a company’s brand, including images, symbols, and sounds, can be trademarked.

  • What is the significance of trademark registration?

    Trademarking helps protect a brand’s identity and keeps competitors from impersonating or infringing a brand to steal customers. By doing so, it safeguards a company’s reputation.

  • Who is eligible to apply for a trademark?

    Any individual or legal entity can apply for a trademark. In certain countries, non-resident entities are required to appoint a local attorney for trademarking.

  • What options do I have if my trademark is already in use?

    If your trademark is in use, you will have to prove that you were the first to use it. If someone uses your trademark without permission, you can file a civil suit.

  • Are you a law firm?

    No, we are not a law firm and we do not provide any legal advice. However, we do have expert trademark attorneys on board that can help you with your trademarking process.

Client Testimonials

Glimpses of What Our Clients Say

  • I had a great experience with Trademark Professionals USA! They were fast, helpful and detailed in their response to my copyright registration inquiries. I found everyone to be exceedingly knowledgeable, friendly and upfront. They've definitely saved my time and effort. Highly Recommended!

    Frank Richard CEO
  • We were so pleased to discover Trademark Professionals USA. From registering our trademark to the cost-efficient monitoring service, we have had nothing but positive experiences. The process was easy and the results have been beyond what we could have hoped for! Thanks to them, our brand is officially protected!

    Derek Green Manager
  • I'm so grateful to Trademark Professionals USA for my trademark search report! They provided comprehensive reports and made sure everything was well-laid-out. Their team was efficient and offered me excellent guidance throughout the process. Highly Recommended!

    George Barber Finance Executive

Get Registered Today!

Secure Your Brand’s Future

Start your Trademark Registration Now

Providing you the perfect solution for your business needs.

starting at $49 only

Register your trademark and save yourself from the risk of losing thousands of dollars in lawsuits and rebranding efforts.